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Sitecore Helm commands

In this blog you will find some useful Helm commands for Sitecore.

##Get Helm all containers list:
helm list -n sitecore -f cd

##Uninstalling/Delete a container when crashing
helm uninstall {release-id} -n sitecore
helm uninstall cd -n sitecore

##Uninstalling Sitecore with Helm commands
helm uninstall cd -n sitecore
helm uninstall cm -n sitecore
helm uninstall ps -n sitecore
helm uninstall id -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbrefdata -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbsearch -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbsearchworker -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbautomation -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbautomationworker -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbautomationrpt -n sitecore
helm uninstall xdbcollection -n sitecore
helm uninstall cortexreporting -n sitecore
helm uninstall cortexprocessing -n sitecore
helm uninstall cortexprocessingworker -n sitecore
helm uninstall rep -n sitecore
helm uninstall prc -n sitecore

Posted: 20/03/2023 8:55:10 p.m. by Gitesh Shah | with 0 comments